Welcome to the West Allegheny staff portal.
1. Canvas Guides
2. Canvas Training Videos
3. Canvas Login
4. Clever Login
5. Curriculum Drive
6. EdInsight
7. Edmentum
8. Frontline Education (formerly AESOP)
9. HMH Ed - Into Literature
10. Naviance, Staff
11. Office 365 - District Email
12. Office 365 - All Apps
13. PA eDirect - DRC Portal
15. PDE Act 48 Hours - PERMS
16. ProSoft Web Portal
17. Securly Classroom
18. Skyward
19. Skyward Professional Development Center (PDC)
20. Technology Help Ticket
21. WATV Announcement Form
22. WA Maintenance Request
23. WA Facilities Request
24. Multifactor Authentication Guides