We look forward to working with you and your children and hope that you will find the transition to your “new school” a pleasant experience. In order to expedite the registration process, the following documentation is necessary to complete your child’s enrollment:
• Permanent Record Card
• Parental Registration Statement
MUST BE NOTARIZED (not necessary for first time school enterer, i.e., kindergarten student enrollment)
• Home Language Survey
• Medical Confidentiality Form
• Physical Examination Form
(Kindergarten, grade 6, grade, 11, and first time enterers) including Immunization Records
• Immunization Form
• Dental Examination Form
(Kindergarten, grade 3, and grade 7)
• Allegheny County Health Department Lead Testing Record (Kindergarten only)
• Proof of residency
A deed, a lease, current utility bill, current credit card bill, property tax bill, vehicle registration, driver’s license, DOT
identification card
• Child’s Original Birth Certificate
Document Links may be found to the right. Completed packets should be returned to your appropriate school.
Wilson Elementary: Principal Rachel Gray - 724-695-3300
McKee Elementary: Principal Melissa Wagner - 724-693-8451
Donaldson Elementary: Principal Erin Dierker - 724-213-1010
West Allegheny Middle School: Principal Patricia Nolan - 724-695-5228
West Allegheny High School: Principal Cheryl McHone - 724-695-5250