Welcome to West Allegheny Middle School! At WAMS, we take great pride in forming and enriching lasting relationships that capture the best attributes of our talented student body and staff. Our students are challenged each day through a comprehensive platform that includes rigorous curriculum and instruction, a caring and supportive staff, firm dedication to extracurricular activities, school sports, and the arts, as well as a strong commitment to the development of our students’ well-being at one of the most pivotal stages in their growth and maturation.
Academically, a focus at WAMS is to prepare students for high school success and to begin to prepare students for 21st century career and/or college readiness. In addition to core content classes, our grade 7 and 8 students participate in a full elective model in order to assist their transition to high school. Students can choose to take electives such as sign language, advanced art, garage band, fitness and weight training, digital layout and design, pre-engineering, alternative energy, esports, and JROTC to highlight a few options.
In order to promote leadership, kindness and compassion, school pride and positive behavior in all of our students, we are excited to be a PBIS Tier 1 sustaining school. Please be assured that we truly embrace the TEAM notion that Together Everyone Achieves More.
Mrs. Patricia Nolan Dr. Julian Underwood
Principal Assistant Principal