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Money Webquest 6

Earning Money

In order to earn money you need to work.  You could open up your own business. How about a Lemonade Stand?  Before you get started read the book Lemonade Stand by Stuart J. Murphy. Then design a poster using your Paint Program  or poster board and markers to advertise your business. Then, run your lemonade stand for 10 days, do a spreadsheet and make a chart to show your sales and profit. You're doing great!  Now it's time to try out a new business. How about a lawn mowing service or your own musical band? But guess what? Now you find out you don't get to keep all that hard earned money you made. Where does it go? Taxes. What happens if you get sick or get too old to work? What do you use for money? Read about Social Security to find out. 

 If you ever need help with the meaning of a word, click on me.