Safety in our schools is everyone's responsibility. If you are aware of a threat or a dangerous situation for our students or staff, it is important to share that information with a trusted adult, by calling 911 or by using an anonymous tip line.
In 2018, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed Act 44 mandating the establishment and use of the “Safe2Say Something” (S2SS) anonymous reporting system by every Pennsylvania school. Developed in partnership with Sandy Hook Promise, the app will help facilitate the reporting of important safety related information that could help save lives in our schools.
S2SS allows individuals to submit secure and anonymous safety concerns to help identify and intervene when unsafe and/or harmful behaviors take place within K-12 schools statewide.
Through S2SS, students and community members may ANONYMOUSLY share safety information through the:
- S2SS app (Safe2SaySomething PA)
- website at , or
- 24/7 Crisis Center Hotline at 1-844-SAF2SAY (1-844-723-2729).
The tip is then triaged by the Crisis Center to gather enough information and is delivered to the impacted school and, as needed, local law enforcement via 911 County Dispatch. Anonymity is strictly protected unless the person submitting the information wishes to share their identity. If an individual abuses the system or breaks a state or federal law, the District can request a court order to uncover anonymity.